Emitter Pub/Sub is |

Emitter is a real-time communication service for connecting online devices. The Publish-Subscribe messaging API is built for speed and security.

Publish Subscribe

Scalable and real-time networking

Simple and efficient messaging platform for all of your gaming, IoT and web apps

  • Scalable

    Built to handle millions of messages per second and to scale horizontally.

  • Fast

    Designed to ensure reliable, speed-of-light message delivery and high throughput.

  • Always Secure

    Supports TLS encryption, binary messages, expirable channel keys and permissions.

  • Open Source & Cloud

    Best of both worlds: on-demand cloud and open source on GitHub.

  • No more limits

    Uses standard MQTT protocol, binary messages and supports message filtering.

  • Persistent

    Messages can be stored for a period of time and sent to subscribers on demand.


Web, Mobile, Gaming, Internet-of-Things, ...

Any modern application needs emitter

  • Online Gaming

    Your requirements for low latency, binary messages and high througput are served.

  • Internet Of Things

    You can gather sensor data and control and filter each sensor or thing individually.

  • Real-Time Web

    You can build real-time web applications such as dashboards or visual analytics with ease.

  • Mobile Apps

    Make your mobile app shine with responsive user interaction and faster load times.